Priority housing choices
The Rappahannock Club at Rappahannock Westminster- Canterbury offers prospective residents the unique opportunity to secure a priority position for the residence style you desire in the timeframe you prefer. In addition, the Rappahannock Club enables you to enjoy some of our amenities and begin to experience some of the RWC lifestyle.
What it is
Our residents will tell you to “come to RWC while you can enjoy all it has to offer” and the Rappahannock Club encourages you through that decision process. By expressing your preference of residence and entry year, RWC will be anticipating your arrival. You then have time to begin preparing for our call that your new home is ready. You can take advantage of our Solution Seminars to begin preparing to right-size your possessions and to eventually sell or rent your home. And you can begin to anticipate your new chapter in life.
What it’s not
Participation in the Rappahannock Club, however, is not a guarantee of approval for residency, nor does it give members priority access to Assisted Living or the Health Center. We strongly encourage you to follow our residents’ advice and “come while you can enjoy RWC life.” New RWC residents must qualify for residency in terms of health and finances. Don’t wait to join RWC when you have a health situation and need advanced care. Current residents enjoy the security of access to care when they need it. If you wait until you need advanced care, RWC may not have availability. Special levels of care are reserved for current residents.
To become a member or for more information about the Rappahannock Club, email or Lauren Ambrose at 804-438- 4010.
Lauren Ambrose, Community Outreach Specialist