A message from Stuart Bunting, it’s time to officially head into the busiest time of the year – the holiday season.

I find myself, and maybe you do as well, needing to pause reflect on all we have to be thankful for before we get overwhelmed by the activities of the season.  As I started to make a list of all the things and people I’m thankful for, I realized the list was too long for this space and that I might leave someone or something out by innocent mistake, so I am not going to try to capture everything.  From my long list, I want to share three areas of thankfulness.

I am thankful for you our residents and clients, for our wonderful staff, and for the excellent neighborhood in which we are all privileged to live and work.  Our resident/client community is steeped in interesting life experiences and accomplishments and generous with time, gifts, and talents.  Our staff cares genuinely and deeply for the care and quality of life of our residents and clients.  We are truly blessed with abundance which manifests in a wonderful spirit in our neighborhood. 

November provides several opportunities for us to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings of life.  Veterans’ Day gives us the privilege of honoring, recognizing, and appreciating our armed forces veterans and their families and the sacrifices they have made and continue to make to protect our freedom and that of those unprotected around the world.  Our Annual Memorial Service is time to gather together to reflect upon the lives of those who have departed physically but remain in our hearts and minds. The Annual Food Drive offers us the opportunity to return some of our blessings to the service of those in need of food and nourishment in our community. Gifts of food and treasure will help stock the Holy Tabernacle Food Pantry which is one of the many pantries working hard to prevent hunger in the area.  At our Thanksgiving Service, we will ask God’s blessing on our gift and send it off to do its good work.  So, opportunities abound for this gracious and thoughtful community to bless others and be blessed in return. 

I invite you to pause as I did before you get too busy with seasonal activities and reflect on that and those for which and for whom you are grateful and thankful.  May we enter this season of thanksgiving together continuing to build upon the abundance with which we have been blessed.  Happy Thanksgiving and Thank You!

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